makeup and brushes makeup and brushes


By Maria Velve

When was the last time you cleaned out your makeup and skin care products? With the arrival of spring we all think about cleaning "stuff out" around the house, so the advice I give you about how to do this for your cosmetic products is extremely important because this stuff goes on your skin, eyes, mouth! Clean out the expired stuff, wipe down everything, replace what you need and don't forget to wash those brushes at least once a week!

Here's how to do that:

1) use a mild soap or the shampoo you use for your hair

2) get the brush bristles wet with lukewarm water -never get the rest of the brush wet! It'll cause the glues to weaken and the brush will eventually fall apart on you

3) add a drop of soap/shampoo into your palm

4) dip the brush bristles into the soap and swirl to a lather

5) gently rinse the bristles with lukewarm water

6) shape bristles back in shape and place wet brushes on a ledge or over a vent to air dry

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